Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I am still addicted to Pinterest. It is still a problem. 

On a side note though, Husband turns 29 today! Ahhh!! I can't believe he was 23 when we first met.  Crazy. Any who, I'm so fortunate to have you in my life hun. You are so my rock and my best friend, it would be a pretty lonely world without you in it! I love you! 

Back to our regularly scheduled programing, "Oh, How Pinteresting Wednesdays" at The Vintage Apple!

For my husband, of course.

This one reminds me of Husband, and it's so true sometimes! haha

I love this project, and I love the colors. I think I may try this one soon! 

I am loving this idea for all of my hair utensils. I'm talking, all 3 curling irons and straight iron! Yes please!! 

This picture really sums up how I've been feeling lately. All warm and cozy. You know what I mean? I'm ready for some Fall/Winter like weather! I got the snuggles! 

These next pins are because UH and I have been discussing moving. If we want to move, where we would move, when to move, etc. Just playing with the idea... and this is where I would love to live... any of them really.

Honestly, I'm not sure if this is a resort or a house, but I want! :)

Don't you imagine this is what the inside of one of those rooms looks like in that cabin?! I love the few and it's seems so comfy!! 

A much more realistic home I would say. I don't think I love this one any less though!! I'm a sucker for the woods and mountains. How pretty!! 

It seems I have been a pinning fool here lately and it's been a little sporadic!! What have you pinned this week?!


  1. Love the cabins! A nice place in the woods where in the winter you could sit with a book and some coffee, next to the woodstove, watching the snow fall outside <3

    Sarah @

  2. Your pins are cute ... but too wintery for me!
    Trish @ Tales from ...

  3. 90 Percent Blonde.... you so get me!! :)

  4. I found your blog today and I'm glad I did! I also posted the painted mason jars on my pinteresting wednesdays post! I love them and really want that to be my next craft!!! Love all of your pins! :)

    Just in case you're interested, I'm hosting my very first blog giveaway today!


  5. love the painted mason jars! so cute :)

    {I've got a Kate Spade giveaway going on now & would love to see you there!}
