Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Take that China!

I guess I can tell yall now that UF is back, that UF is back from China!! Woohoo

I know I can trust yall, but UF had a point about not plastering that he was in China for 17 days and I wasn't all over the interweb. It sounded like good safe advice, so I took. The good news is, he's back!! 17 days is a long time. I miss him a lot in the beginning, start to adjust to him being gone, then have to readjust when he gets back... which, I'm more than happy to do of course! Normally he goes for 14 day spans, but this time he went for 17, one of the longer trips. Seventeen days probably doesn't sound like much of a difference from fourteen, but take my word, it's a huge difference. It could be a whole extra weekend!! The added bonus to me keeping this little safety secret... you didn't have to hear me whine about missing him!

I guess a weekend re-cap is in order. Saturday I cleaned ALL day long and washed every dirty linen and piece of clothing or rug I could find. Then I went to pick UF up at the airport Sunday morning at FIVE AM! I told him I was just going to let him wait for me and pick him up at 7 AM or something, but he wasn't a big fan of that idea. We spent the rest of our Sunday pigging out (cheat day) and snuggling on the couch. I couldn't have asked for a better Sunday. 

Monday we had some errands to run. We had to pick up his vehicle from a friend, ran to IKEA to get some wedding decor, and stopped at the pool for a couple hours. It is fair to say my top half is pretty burnt to a crisp. I put on tanning lotion rather than sunscreen... probably not the brightest thing to do considering it was my first venture into the sun ALL year. Lesson learned. 

I had to pop the "perfect" bubble and go to work today, but it was a great 3 day weekend... who ever wants to go back to work after a 3 day weekend though?! 

I can't believe tomorrow is June, where does it go?!?!

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